
The United States lobbied China on the Uighurs Genocide, Hong Kong on the first call from top diplomats

The United States lobbied China on several critical issues on Saturday in the first exchange between the countries’ top diplomats since U.S. President Joe Biden took office, the charge

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In a telephone call, Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the situation in Xinjiang, home to the Uighur minority whose treatment is strongly criticized in the West, as well as in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The two statements reaffirmed the different positions of the countries, which have shocked on issues such as trade, Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong, and increased US support for a democratic and autonomous Taiwan.

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Blinken said the United States will work with its allies to hold China “accountable for its efforts to threaten stability in the Indo-Pacific, including across the Taiwan Strait. ”

He said the European Union will continue to uphold human rights and democratic values, including in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, according to a statement from the Department of State.

Yang said that at present, “the Sino-American relationship is at a crucial juncture.” -headed the Xinhua News Agency

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, urged Washington to “correct mistakes made over a period of time and work with China to uphold the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and mutually beneficial cooperation and focus on the cooperation, manage differences and promote the healthy and stable development of relations between China and the U. “

The Chinese said that Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Tibet were strictly internal affairs and that they would not tolerate any foreign interference, Xinhua reported. the Taiwan issue is the “most sensitive, most important and central issue between the United States and China.”

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Under the former U. President Donald Trump, Washington, has increased arms sales and official exchanges with the island, which China claims will be forcibly reunited as part of its own territory if necessary.

Blinken explicitly urged China to condemn the military coup in Myanmar. In response, Yang stressed that the international community should create a good external environment for the proper resolution of the Myanmar problem.

China has invested billions of dollars in mines, oil and gas pipelines, and other infrastructure in Myanmar and is its largest trading partner.

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Dailysabah / TechConflict.Com

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