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YouTube makes hashtag landing pages available to all users

They are a new way of sorting videos.

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Since Twitter and Instagram helped get them known, hashtags have been one of the most consistent ways you could navigate different platforms. But as long as YouTube got around, it was never really used extensively. That will change soon. This week, Google completed the rollout of landing pages that organize videos using metadata tags.

You can find your way to them by clicking on one of the hashtags that a YouTuber attaches to their videos. You can usually find these at the end of a video description, but some loner makers put them on top as well. Alternatively, you can also access the function via a URL (enter www. youtube. Com/hashtag / your term).

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A video on YouTube’s Creator Insider channel indicates that it is also possible to search for the pages. However, that’s not yet the case when a YouTube spokesperson told us that functionality is on its way in the coming days and weeks.

As TechCrunch points out, it doesn’t seem to have any clear logic as to why YouTube highlights certain videos over others. For example, on Instagram, sorting content by hashtags usually highlights the most popular new photos and videos. This is not the case with YouTube, where you currently see a mix of new and older content side by side. Of course, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but we’ve seen a single channel dominate a page at times.

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The update also changes the way the platform handles hashtags in general. It used to be that if you tapped or searched for a hashtag, YouTube would come back with related videos as well. This is no longer the case. The platform now instead only highlights content that bee n explicitly tagged by its creator.

In practice, we found highlighted videos on the pages that were not found when searching. That way, it’s an interesting way to discover new content, especially if you think a traditional search won’t bring up anything new or noteworthy.

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Engadget / TechConflict.Com

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